My name is Cody Bramlett...

and I have dedicated my life

to finding a healthier path.

It’s the path I blazed to find the relief and help I wasn’t finding anywhere else. I grew up eating the standard American (poor) diet, and living the standard American (poor) life. Like many out there, I realized that that wasn’t going to work for me and rededicated my life to fitness.

I mastered working with kettlebells, opened and operated a kettlebell gym in San Diego, where I helped train people to get in shape, build strength, increase their self-confidence, and simply live better. I've helped hundreds of clients throughout my career lose weight, reach their fitness goals, and live healthier lives. But that wasn’t the end of the journey.

It was a very personal reason that sent me on the next and perhaps most important step of my life.

Supplement Supporter

He was in extreme pain. Suffering from chronic inflammation caused by diet, stress, and being generally overweight. The doctors couldn’t give him any relief, trying everything they knew should work but for whatever reason wouldn’t. I wasn’t about to let him suffer.

So I did what anyone would do. I got educated. I dug deep. I did the research myself. I learned entirely new things and reshaped the way I was approaching health and wellness – and it worked!

Over countless hours of research, one answer kept coming back over and over. Turmeric. It’s a flavorful spice from Southeast Asia that natives have used for centuries to flavor their food and treat a host of ailments, from inflammation to indigestion. It’s been making waves in the medical community lately, as the subject of hundreds of clinical studies.

But not just ANY turmeric can produce results. It had to have high purity. It had to be grown in rich, fertile soil. And it had to be combined with another ingredient so that your body can even absorb it. I couldn’t find the supplement that I knew would help my Dad. So I made it for him.

After taking it for a few weeks, the chronic pain went away and he started moving like his old self again.

I was so blown away by how my supplement changed my Dad’s life that I had to share my discovery. And so, I moved from simple gym owner and kettlebell swinger to supplement slinger.

Supplement Supporter

I created Science Natural Supplements to help people like you get pain free, lose weight, and feel great about themselves. I not only offer you the Turmeric with BioPerine that stopped my Dad’s chronic inflammation in its tracks, I also went on to research other pure ingredients that have an incredible range of beneficial effects.

I discovered natural ways to boost your memory, enhance your mental focus, get amazing amounts of pure, natural energy, and get the body that you always knew was there, hidden below the surface, and weighed down by aches, pains, inflammation, and worse.

Through supplements and an increased focus on nutrition, myself and thousands of people across the world were able to stop the senseless cycle of yo-yo dieting and constant deprivation. They could give their body the nourishment that it’s been craving and start enjoying the life that we all deserve.


Creating supplements to restore and enhance people’s lives wasn’t enough. Getting products into peoples hands is one thing, but

getting them the knowledge to build their own solutions – that’s even more powerful. To do that I had to go further.

I determined that I had to dig deeper, discover more, and most importantly of all – share that knowledge with the world. This is the most recent step on my health and wellness journey, and I’m so excited to share what I’ve found with you. My newest docuseries, “Nature’s Healing Secrets,” I spoke with dozens of experts, doctors, nutritionists, and more to uncover the healing potential that sits untapped throughout nature.

This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. And if you stick with me we’ll cross that finish line together.

Your Partner in Health,